The staff at Childwall Sports and Science Academy would like to say well done to Year 11 and Key Stage 5 students on their results in 23/24 academic year. Students that worked hard certainly got what they deserved, with a number of them achieving well above their target grade and making
In July, Childwall Sports and Science Academy held its annual Sports Day at Wavertree Athletics Centre as part of World in One School Week. Students from all year groups took part in various athletics challenges and lots of medals were awarded for track and field events. Watch our video to see
Our open events are taking place on: Thursday 27th June from 4.30 – 7.30pm Thursday 19 th September from 4.30 – 7.30pm Saturday 12th October from 10am – 12pm Booking is not required. Activities include: Tour our extensive classrooms, creative and sports facilities Meet
Staff, students, parents, and governors at Childwall Sports and Science Academy are celebrating after being awarded the coveted National Association for More Able Children (NACE) Challenge Award. The award was given in recognition of school-wide commitment to high-quality provision for more able
In January, Childwall Sports and Science Academy held an Explore Your Future day. All Year 9 students networked with professionals from various sectors to find out more about career options from engineering and medicine to higher education and construction. We spoke to Ugo from Nuclear Waste
Childwall Sports and Science Academy Canteens have gone plastic free thanks to a new project involving students, catering staff, school leadership and the estates department. Last September, Childwall Academy Headteacher Ms. Vincent met the Student Council to discuss sustainability and ways to
Childwall Sports and Science Academy is open today, Wednesday 17th January 2024. We look forward to welcoming all students at 8.30am.
Due to the severe weather, Childwall Sports & Science Academy will be closed today Tuesday 16 December. Please check back for regular updates.
Childwall Sports and Science Academy's World In One School festival was a huge success last year. Watch the video below to see our event highlights, which all focussed on the theme of belonging.
Childwall Sports and Science Academy Sixth Form open evening is taking place on Thursday 16th November 2023 from 5.30 - 7.30pm. Please come along to see our facilities, meet our staff and students and discuss the career pathways we offer. For more information about our Sixth Form, please click
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