90% attendance means that a student is missing half a day’s school a week.
95% attendance means that a student will miss two weeks of school in a year.
94.7% attendance or better gives a student a 73% chance of achieving 5 GCSEs, Grades A-C, whatever their ability.
The Local Authority will become involved where a student’s attendance falls to 90%
There are 190 school days in a year leaving 175 in which to take holiday.
Click here for new information on changes to Penalty Notice Fines in place from August 2024.
Please call the school absence line no later than 8.30am, 0151 722 1561 (Option 1), leaving a message stating your child’s name, tutor group and a brief explanation of the nature of the illness. A call is requested for every day of absence unless you have spoken directly with the Attendance Officer and a return date has been agreed.
You will be asked to provide medical evidence if your child's attendance is below 95% or absence is longer than 3 consecutive days.
We cannot assume that a student is unwell just because they were off school the previous day. If you believe an absence due to illness may be prolonged, please contact us so that we can make arrangements to avoid you calling daily.
Send your child to school with a note stating the reason they need to leave school and the time you wish to collect them. The note should be handed in at Reception.
In the first instance, please call us, 0151 722 1561. However, it is not always possible to locate students straight away, for example during lunch or break times.
Leave of absence will only be granted in Exceptional Circumstances, and can only be authorised by the Headteacher. Exceptional Circumstances are defined as ‘one-off’ occasions where a request for leave of absence is unavoidable and does not cover annually occurring family holiday. Please complete a Leave of Absence Request Form, available from the Attendance Officer and submit no later than two weeks prior to the start of the leave. In order for the Headteacher to reach an informed decision, please include as much detail as possible to explain why Exceptional Circumstances apply.
For further information, please see our Attendance Policy
Mrs D Murphy – Attendance Officer: 0151 722 1561 (0ption 1)
Ms K Magee – Attendance Manager: 0151 722 1561 (0ption 1)
– Education Welfare Officer: 0151 233 3916
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