Online Advice

Stay Safe Online

Using IT and the internet is an integral part of education and life in this century. The Internet is a powerful tool that opens up opportunities for billions of people all over the world. It is important however that we all remember that we must stay safe online.

For comprehensive information about staying safe online visit the Safer Internet website. It contains films, games, quizzes and advice to help you to use the internet safely, responsibly and positively. This link will take you to a page containing advice and resources that can help Parents/Carers to support their child to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively. We also have a useful guide to Setting Parental Controls on devices, gaming consoles and social media.

O​nline Safety Newsletter

You can read our monthly Online Safety newsletters here:

M​ay 2024 Online Safety Newsletter

M​arch 2024 Online Safety Newsletter

J​anuary 2024 Online Safety Newsletter

Online Safety Guides for Parents and Carers

Age Rating

App Store


Forntite: Battle Royale



Online Safety Conversations

Screen Addiction


Tik Tok




Online Support for Students

Childline offers support in a variety of areas, from school and relationships to abuse and mental health


Articles, online support groups and helplines for those who are dealing with eating disorders


Support, guidance and therapeutic services for children suffering from abuse at home



Whether you’re feeling great and want to stay that way, you’re a bit fed up; or you’re struggling to manage your feelings, this site has links to information and tips ranging from how to boost your mood, to where to get help if you’re unable to cope.


Anonymous online support for mental health


Kidscape contains advice, programmes and workshops for children dealing with bullying.
Concerned about a friend, or looking for help yourself? Papyrus offers assistance with mental health and suicide.
Email and telephone support for anyone struggling with suicide



ReachchOut contains links to a collection of self-help and support apps, from meditation to addiction assistance
Alcohol consumption tracking and assistance with alcohol abuse 


Gives important information on a wide range of drugs, and offers support for anyone who believes they or someone close to them is struggling with drug abuse
BeatPanic is an app that helps guide the user through raised anxiety or panic attacks




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