Sixth Form life isn’t just about the subjects you study; there are lots of other enrichment projects you can get involved with.
Being involved with extra-curricular activities gives you the chance to make friends, have fun, develop new skills, complement your academic studies and really get stuck in to sixth form life. Furthermore, Universities and employers place a lot of value on enrichment activities, so being involved can benefit your future too by enhancing your CV and university application.
Sports: We offer a variety of team sports such as Football, Basketball and Netball as well as use of our state of the art Fitness Suite.
School Council: Have your say as a Student Council Rep or a School Ambassador and lead on various projects as part of your Personal Development.
Performing Arts: Students are offered the opportunity to get involved in Dance, Drama and Music Clubs as well as putting on live performances.
Volunteering: We offer a range of volunteer placements such as peer mentoring, teaching, sports coaching and placements in the local community such as Alder Hey Hospital.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award: We offer students the opportunity to complete their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards in breath-taking locations such as Clwydes, Rhynogs and the Peak District.
Additional Qualifications: First Aid, National Governing Body Sports Awards and Child Protection are just some of the many additional qualifications and awards we offer.
Charity Work: Each year students organise and run charity events to raise money for Cancer Research, Macmillan Cancer and Comic Relief.
All students are expected to wear the full uniform listed. Sportswear, hooded tops, caps and scarves are not part of the school uniform and may be confiscated by Academy staff.
The school has the right to send students home to change into the correct uniform.
Please speak to Mrs. Payne if you need any assistance with obtaining the correct uniform items as help may be available.
Sixth Form Blazer: This must be worn at all times unless teachers permit removal during a lesson.
Sixth Form Tie: Academy ties must be worn at all times and must show the school badge. (Ties are optional for girls if they wear a blouse-style shirt).
Footwear: Students must wear black shoes at all times of the school day, with the exception of Sport students.
White shirt: White shirts must have a top fastening button and must be tucked in at all times. If girls are choosing to not wear a tie then they can wear an open-neck blouse.
Black skirt/trousers: Black trousers or skirts must be worn.
Black Shoes: Plain black shoes must be worn at all times. Trainers, boots (of any description), Converse/Vans, or heels are not permitted at any time. (with the exception of Sport students who can wear suitable trainers.)
Headwear: No headwear should be worn anywhere inside the school building. Headscarves worn for religious reasons must be plain black or grey.
Jewellery: All jewellery must be subtle. No facial piercings are permitted. Nose piercings, lip piercings, tongue piercings or any other form of piercings are not allowed in Sixth Form.
Hair/Make up: Hair must be neat and presentable. Unnatural hair colours are not permitted. Natural make-up can be worn by students in sixth form. Subtle nail polish may be worn by students
Sports Kit: Any student studying a sports course is permitted to wear the full sixth form sports kit. Other students may purchase the kit but are required to wear the full uniform at all times.
The Sixth form blazer, tie and sports kit is available from from Laser schoolwear stores.
You can also check West Derby schoolwear for stock.
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