Student Leaders

What are the aims of Student Leaders?

For the Students:
  • To give students a voice
  • To give students a platform for their views to be heard
  • Provides an opportunity for public speaking
  • Provides students with the opportunity to develop leadership by organising and carrying out academy activities
  • To give students the opportunity to share student ideas, interests and concerns with the school wider community
  • For students to learn the British value of democracy. It is based upon Parliamentary procedures – ideas voted upon and confirmed
  • To develop a student council which has different roles for each member
  • For students to become empowered, more self-confident and motivated
For the Academy:
  • improved participation, retention, achievement and progression
  • students who are more expert and independent
  • better quality information about the students’ perspective so improvements can be made
  • better decisions about resource allocation and investment
  • students who feel more involved, see the academy as a place where they belong and are motivated to put something back into the academy
  • enhanced academy reputation within the community
Mission Statement

Student Leaders is a school wide organisation to promote involvement, ownership, leadership and stewardship in our school.

Student Leaders is designed to give students a voice, enables them to be part of the Liverpool School’s Parliament, and provides our students with the opportunity of being involved with city wide initiatives.

Through opportunities within Student Leaders, our students will learn the democratic process, the appropriate ways to affect change and develop their ability to interact with peers, Teachers, Senior Leadership, Governors and the wider community; these students will represent the student body and are crucial in moving our academy forward.

Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) states that national governments shall:
‘assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child.’

Student Leaders Structure

Senior Leaders

The Student Council Leadership team is led by a group of Sixth form students.
Sixth Form Student Leadership

School Leaders

The school council involves students from each year group that are elected from each form group. These students are actively involved in decision making and regularly lead on whole school projects, ensuring the voice of each student is heard.
Student Council elections

Student Ambassadors

These students are selected by staff as they are fully committed to one area within the academy. They will work on projects connected to this and be ambassadors for these areas.

  • Reading Leaders
  • Numeracy Leaders
  • Form Captains
  • Sport Captains
  • Eco Leaders
  • Charity Leaders
  • Inclusion Leaders
What Student Leaders have been doing
  • Student Parliament Trips - Liverpool Town Hall
  • Meetings with members of staff
  • Tackling knife crime with other schools
  • Working with NHS – designing Health Walks for patients and doctors
  • Met with Councillor Abdul Qadir, Mayoral Lead for Young People and Citizen Engagement
  • We also won a grant of £2000 towards the Duke of Edinburgh award to be used for equipment

The Election process (British Values: Democracy)

Students went through a full election process to become members of the Student Leadership Team. As a result, we have a student council made up of three Year 7s, three Year 8s, three Year 9s, three Year 10s and two Year 11 students, with three Sixth Form student leading the group. They are currently working to reduce energy waste around school, obtain student voice in relation to learning and lessons as well as the identification of a school charity to fundraise for.

Click here to download our Student Voice and Leadership Policy

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