Home Learning & Revision

Home Learning

We know that high quality home learning opportunities provide a number of positive outcomes for our students, including:

    • Encouraging students to develop independent learning and study skills
    • Enabling students to spend more time on tasks than would be possible in lessons and therefore to produce work in greater detail
    • Providing an opportunity for students to practice and consolidate what they have learned in lessons
    • Preparing students for future lessons, assessments, examinations and the world beyond school

At Childwall Sports and Science Academy we believe that independent home learning assignments form a vital part of our students' learning experiences. Teachers will set homework for students to help embed the knowledge and skills acquired in class and provide young people with an opportunity to develop a range of crucial learning habits including independent thinking, creativity, resilience and initiative, and the opportunity to develop Self-Study strategies.

Home learning by subject

(​further details to be added below)


B​usiness Studies

C​omputer Science & IT

Design Technology




Health & Social Care




P​E & Sport








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